Galaxy Gaming—World Poker Tour-Heads Up Hold‘em
Galaxy’s World Poker Tour-Heads Up Hold‘em is a Texas Hold‘em variant with a new Free-to-the-Player bad beat feature. If players achieve a poker hand with a straight or better and loses to the dealer, their odds wager will win and pay dramatically more on the bad beat pay table. Players make two equal wagers on the ante and the odds bet. They may raise once during play at one of three different points: 1) at their hole cards alone, players can bet three times their ante bet; 2) after seeing the flop, they may bet two units more; or 3) after seeing the full community board, they may bet one unit more or fold. If the player ends up with a losing straight or better, the player wins a bad beat bonus on their losing hand. Additionally, Galaxy has included a new side bet called pocket bonus, in which the player wins if his or her hole card hand is composed of a pair or an Ace and Face card. For more information, visit