American Dynamics—victor Unified Video Management System
American Dynamics, part of Tyco Security Products, announces victor, a unified security management system that enables users to migrate from analog to IP cameras, providing a single solution to manage both Intellex DVRs and NVRs. The first of its kind in the market, the introduction of victor marks a new, unified platform for a significant expansion of American Dynamic’s IP video solutions portfolio. VideoEdge version 4.0, a powerful, IT-friendly NVR solution gives security directors the powerful, reliable IP video recording capabilities they need. victor adapts to the needs of each user, offering instant “layout switching” across four monitors to quickly react to situations. Embedded best-in-class policy management enables security directors to easily manage access to cameras, video export and other features by user. victor also remembers users’ favorite cameras and views and combines with Intellex and the new VideoEdge v4.0 to quickly and easily find and export incident video with instant Smart Search. The new VideoEdge v4.0 delivers H.264 recording, 400 Mbits per second recording capacity, frame-by-frame instant playback and audio on every camera channel. For more information, visit
FutureLogic—GEN3 Evolution® Printer
FutureLogic Inc. presents the GEN3 Evolution® printer, the first thermal ticket and coupon printer with integrated and separate processing environments for TITO and promotional couponing. Designed to keep pace with current—and future—demands of server-based gaming, promotional couponing and the continually evolving TITO market, the GEN3 Evolution printer offers features and benefits superior to any gaming printer available today, including an optional on-board promotional system module; direct system connection over TCP/IP; photographic-quality printing; more than double the ticket capacity; fastest printer speeds in gaming; and the largest memory storage capacity. The GEN3 Evolution printer’s TITO game ports include USB 2.0, RS-232 and NetPlex. Promotional ports include Ethernet, USB 2.0 and RS-232. To further facilitate couponing, the printer features a programmable bursting scheme that can be used to burst single or multiple joined vouchers or coupons directly into the players’ hands. For more information, visit
Rye Park Gaming—Drop Slides
Rye Park Gaming is recognized worldwide as the source for custom casino table game equipment, and now the company is unveiling its new Drop Slide Mechanisms. Most drop slides are bulky, noisy after-thoughts, but the new Rye Park Drop Slide is a thoughtfully designed, quiet accessory for the poker table. Installed at the right hand of the dealer, the Rye Park Drop Slide features a custom-designed rounded, ergonomic handle that is more stylish and easier to use. The drop slides are made of brushed aluminum, are hard anodized, and come in a choice of colors—black, silver or matte silver. The Rye Park Drop Slide has an interior sound-dampening bumper to soften the typically loud “clanking” noise that other drops can make, and high-end springs guarantee perfect function. It is this attention to detail, as well as player and operator preferences, that makes Rye Park Gaming the industry force that it is today. For more information, visit
Spectronix—TournaMax ES
Spectronix is proud to introduce TournaMax ES, the newest upgrade to the company’s industry-leading tournament system. With TournaMax ES, you still receive all the great benefits of the original TournaMax, but also get a fully integrated, time-saving data system to help you operate and plan your slot tournaments. Never before has running slot tournaments been so easy and so fun. Simply import your player list, and presto! Tournamax does the rest. Round planning, reports and real-time score gathering are just a few of the many fantastic features packed into TournaMax ES. For more information, visit
Tidel Engineering—Sentinel Bulk Coin Dispenser with Coin Recycler
Tidel Engineering, L.P., the world leader in cash management systems and robbery prevention products, is introducing its newest Sentinel Cash Management system, the Sentinel Bulk Coin Dispenser with Coin Recycler (BCD-R). “The BCD-R is the only solution available today that automates the cash room for retailers’ cash handling and reconciliation processes. All cash processing is automated and simplified. In addition, individual shift and end-of-day balancing is totally automatic,” said Ed Grondahl, EVP global sales. The BCD-R is made up of three segments: a coin recycler that accepts, validates, counts, sorts and dispenses coins; a note dispenser that dispenses flat notes (versus rolled); and a bulk note accepter that accepts, validates and counts notes. The BCD-R provides full cash automation and cash reconciliation and will let you create the “unattended cash room” by eliminating manual cash counting. This results in improved productivity and the elimination of cash shrinkage. Tidel distributes exclusively through Automated Gaming Technologies (AGT), a company that brings advanced, cutting-edge technologies developed to meet the needs of the gaming, amusement and hospitality markets. For more information, visit or
Dexwet—Inside GI1.2
The Dexwet Inside GI1.2, a powerful new innovation in the gaming machine industry, will decrease machine downtime and lower maintenance costs by effectively removing dust, smoke and other particulate matter that quickly accumulates inside slot and other gaming machines. Currently, slot machines used inside the U.S. are not required to have built-in filters. As a result, accumulated particulates and exhaust are not properly removed resulting in frequent breakdowns and undue downtime while machines are being cleaned and repaired. In addition, recent technological advances, including LCD technologies and increased computer processing capabilities, often lead to over-heating and prematurely burning out CPUs. Through extensive testing, the Inside GI1.2 has proven very effective at removing harmful particulates and lowering internal temperatures. Recently the Inside GI1.2 became a standard product, placed in every machine manufactured by Austrian Gaming Industries, a 100 percent subsidiary of Novomatic. DEXWET USA launches its expanded product line at the Global Gaming Expo this month in Las Vegas at booth 2258. For more information, visit
Morse Watchmans—KeyWatcher®SmartKey Single Locker Module
Morse Watchmans introduces an added means of configuring the KeyWatcher® cabinet to allow for storage of small items. The SmartKey Single Locker Module can be integrated into any of the KeyWatcher cabinets to hold documents, CDs, weapons, cell phones and other smaller objects. It can be set up as a personal storage space with controlled access for one or multiple users and is ideal for use in law enforcement, parking garages, educational and medical facilities, and other similar security applications. The locker can be accessed only with an authorized user code and any time the locker is opened, the activity is recorded. In addition, a door left open, the use of force to gain access, a power failure or even the misuse of the keypad will trigger an alarm and record the event in the log file. As one module in a KeyWatcher, the SmartKey Single Module Locker is controlled by a single console and monitored by the Key-Pro™ Software, a PC application that offers extensive management reporting capability as well as a scheduling tool that automatically downloads all data to a secure PC. For more information, visit